God’s spirit in the human body

Discover how religions see the human body as a creation in the image of the divine, imbued with a sacred spirit and breath that connects us to the divine.

Despite the differences in wording and emphasis, many religions hold that the divine is present in the human body in some way, and that the human being is a special creation, created in the image of the divine.

Different religions have varying beliefs about God putting his own spirit or breath in the human body. Here are a few examples:

  1. Islam: Islam teaches that God breathed into the first human, Adam, the spirit that made him a living being. This belief is expressed in the Qur’an.
  2. Christianity: Christianity teaches that God breathed life into the first human, Adam, and that all human beings are made in the image of God and possess a soul. This belief is expressed in the creation account in the book of Genesis in the Bible.
  3. Hinduism: Hinduism believes that the individual self (Atman) is a part of the ultimate reality (Brahman), and that the Atman is indwelled by the divine breath or spirit (Prana). This belief is expressed in the Hindu scriptures, the Upanishads.
  4. Judaism: Jewish tradition teaches that God breathed the breath of life into Adam, which made him a living soul. This belief is expressed in the book of Genesis in the Torah.
  5. Native American Spirituality: Native American spirituality holds that the breath is a sacred force that connects the individual with the divine. It is believed that the breath gives life and spirit to the body, and that it is a gift from the Creator.

These are just a few examples of the different beliefs about God putting his own spirit or breath in the human body in different religions. 

A dynamic personality with years of experience in the software industry and professional mainstream broadcasting. Now, he is dedicated to sharing his experiences about life, faith, and relationships to help others enable themselves to live a better life.


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