To Stay Or Go: Committed To A Failing Marriage?

The Battle Within: Explore the Depths of Commitment Amidst the Collapse of a Failing Marriage - Is It Time to Let Go?
The Battle Within: Explore the Depths of Commitment Amidst the Collapse of a Failing Marriage – Is It Time to Let Go?

Relationships, at their core, thrive on commitments. Every involved individual must showcase an unwavering commitment for any relationship to prosper.

Marriage, arguably the most significant relationship in our lives, represents the most profound ties. Marriages are the fundamental building blocks of society, yet, in an ironic twist, they are the most delicate relationships of all.

People often tell newlyweds and struggling couples to commit. However, they rarely explain what exactly they should commit to. This loose usage dilutes the powerful meaning of ‘commitment,’ obscuring its true essence.

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Commitment: More Than Just A Word

The concept of ‘commitment’ within marriages often needs to be clarified. Most frequently, people consider it merely an obligation to stay together or endure hardships. Unfortunately, this misunderstanding pushes individuals away from the crucial element of harmony. Indeed, commitment serves as the cornerstone of a relationship. However, a blind commitment to persist together, irrespective of circumstances, is a recipe for disaster.

What couples need to commit is to resolve conflicts. Yes, as obvious as this sounds, it is the one thing that is neither talked about nor committed to. 

You Cannot Avoid Conflicts

As two people change and grow, differences and, thus, conflicts are unavoidable. If disputes were absent, it would be unnatural. A lack of conflict signals a lifeless, decaying relationship. However, a thriving, continually evolving relationship embraces the challenges brought about by friction.

Our bodies and minds need hurdles and resistance for growth and evolution, mirroring our relationships. Physical workouts may cause discomfort but are our only ticket to building new muscles. Mental exercises, albeit tiring, are vital for forging powerful neurons that enhance our learning and knowledge. Without a robust mind and body, existence isn’t feasible.

Likewise, conflicts in a relationship indicate a shifting landscape. Addressing them aptly and promptly establishes strong bonds between partners—bonds indispensable for sustaining a thriving, productive relationship.

Therefore, conflicts, if mishandled, act like silent cancer. But, if resolved with the relationship’s welfare in mind, they create a powerful dynamic, enabling the connection to withstand the fiercest storms.

Commit to Conflict Resolution

Only differences and disagreements create a wedge between two people, which splits them apart sooner or later, especially if the conflict festers for some time. The longer a dispute remains unresolved, the more dangerous it becomes. 

So, the most critical obligation for a relationship’s endurance, arguably more influential than any other component, is the commitment to resolve all disputes. Resolving conflicts must occur promptly, always leaning toward the relationship’s welfare.

One Can Not Tango

Committing to resolving conflicts is like performing the tango—it simply can’t be a one-person show. It always necessitates two to traverse the stormy waters of a relationship. A unified negotiation effort won’t materialize unless both partners see substantial value in their relationship.

Hence, the promise to resolve conflicts must be a shared venture. Both partners must step forward with honesty and a steadfast commitment to address every obstacle and resolve every dispute promptly and effectively. They need to be entirely on board, ‘all-in.’

The balance shatters when one partner withdraws from this ‘all-in’ resolve. When the commitment to conflict resolution rests solely on one, and the other exploits the circumstances, the committed partner may be plunging into self-destruction.

The Importance of Self-Preservation

Resolving conflicts is essential, but your holistic well-being should be your top priority. Both you and your partner must be fully committed to overcoming challenges together. However, it is crucial to reassess your commitment in case your partner is no longer reciprocating the responsibility to address conflicts.

It is essential to realize that being dedicated to your relationship must never evolve into self-destruction. The purpose of commitment is growth and harmony, not sadness or emotional turbulence. 

It is essential to realize that being dedicated to your relationship should never lead to self-destruction. The purpose of commitment is to promote growth and harmony, not sadness or emotional turbulence. The toxicity of a failing relationship should not compromise your physical and mental health, which are of utmost importance and deserve prioritization.


Remember, commitment in a relationship, particularly marriage, involves more than simply existing together. It involves actively working towards resolving issues and building a healthier connection. Such a commitment should inspire love, tranquility, and personal growth.

However, always retain this crucial insight: commitment should never compromise happiness. It should not lead to an endless cycle of confrontations and discontent. 

When your commitment begins to harm you, it’s a warning sign signaling the need for modifications.

Don’t allow persistent unhappiness to devour you. Like everyone else, you have a right to a life full of happiness and fulfilment.

A dynamic personality with years of experience in the software industry and professional mainstream broadcasting. Now, he is dedicated to sharing his experiences about life, faith, and relationships to help others enable themselves to live a better life.


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