Fill your cup right – find calm and joy in life
Imagine you’re holding a steaming cup of coffee, enjoying the aroma. Suddenly, someone bumps into you, causing the coffee to spill everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? You might instinctively blame the person who bumped into you. But let’s look at it...
Planning without action is futile; action without planning is fatal.
Picture yourself in New York, filled with anticipation to reach Boston. You climb into your car and settle into the driver’s seat, but there’s one crucial thing missing—you never start the engine. And yet, you somehow expect to arrive at your desired...
Inflection Points Guide You to Life’s Hidden Greatness
Let life’s inflection points guide you, transforming hurdles into launching pads for unprecedented achievements. Life is like a road trip, and it’s full of surprises. Sometimes, unexpected events make us change our entire route. Suddenly, we find ourselves...